Ninja Gear: Stealth Defense

Unique Tools from TBOTECH

Protect yourself with ninja gear from TBOTECH. Throwing stars and stealth tools offer discreet self-defense—perfect for tactical use. Fast shipping!

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The Japanese word for throwing star is "Shuriken." These small, star-shaped devices are concealed weapons that were primarily used for thrown attacks.
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Happo Shuriken are recognized by having a higher number of blades.  This one has 8 points.
Perfect Point 4" Titanium Coated 6-Point Heavy Duty Throwing Star - Beautiful ninja shuriken that has the heft you're looking for in a top-quality piece.
6 inch Ninja Spikes with Nylon Sheath. Pointed on one end. All 5 spikes fit securely into the nylon sheath with adjustable straps for ankle or forearm fastening. Nylon sheath included.
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