Mace Spray
The advantage of triple action Mace Spray is that you don't necessarily have to spray your attacker directly in the face, even if you miss and hit them in the chest, the tear gas will immediately start to affect them.
Compact design fits comfortably in man or woman's hand. The Finger-grip dispenser correctly orients the unit even in the dark.
This pocket mace is a triple protection formula designed to give you the extra edge in a confrontation. Having both CS and OC gives you double the chance of disabling your attacker. The combined effects of such a spray are not easily overcome and will allow you to escape away to get yourself to safety.
Pepper Spray Mace
The OC Pepper - Designed to cause an assailant's eyes to slam shut, while causing uncontrollable choking.
Tear Gas - This causes an intense burning of the face, profuse tearing of the eyes, and disorientation.
UV Dye - Coats an assailant with an invisible dye that may help identify the assailant when apprehended by the police.
Triple Action Mace Spray
This Mace Spray model features the original Flip & Grip design for safe and fumble-free defense. The flip-top safety cap prevents accidental discharge, while the finger grip dispenser makes it easy to aim. Additionally, its compact size and key chain make it ideal for keeping with your keys or quickly tucking into a pocket or purse before going out.
Mace’s most powerful spray
- A potent combination of pepper spray, tear gas, and UV marking dye
- 10-12 ft range
- Includes a keychain
- Made in the USA
You can safely DEFEND YOURSELF in a threatening situation with the extreme power of Triple Action Mace… 10% OC Pepper, invisible UV marking dye that can help police identify your attacker, and CN Tear Gas. Just spray and get away!
Some states have restrictions on Pepper Sprays. Check if your state has restrictions here: Shipping Restrictions
Mace Spray – The Best Defense
We live in a world where self defense is a necessity, and sometimes it can be difficult to 'fight back' when confronted with a dangerous situation. It could be a kidnapper, an abuser, or simply a mugger. No matter what the situation happens to be, it is going to come when you least expect it, and you need to be ready for whatever comes your way. Most people prefer not to exhibit deadly force in the face of danger, but being able to disable your attacker with minimal effort can come in handy and save your life. This is where mace pocket pepper spray enters the equation.
Finding the Best Mace Spray
Just like any other product, pepper spray is not a 'one size fits all' product. Some products work better than others, obviously, so take the following into account when you are in the market for a pepper spray canister:
- Size: The size of the canister matters, and it all depends on what you are comfortable with.
- Ease of Use: Pepper spray is meant for emergencies, meaning you must be ready and able to pull it out and discharge it immediately. Find a canister with an easy-to-use trigger and one that can be reused multiple times.
- Safety: A pepper spray canister needs to be able to fire tightly in one direction, but you may also choose one that has a wider dispersal pattern. Either way, you want to ensure that you experience minimal blowback and that you can walk away unaffected by the spray.
- Reliability: You can’t keep test-firing your pepper spray once you buy it, so make sure that you are purchasing a reliable brand with a history of successful products. (Mace brand test-fires all of its sprays before they are packaged.) In addition, make sure that any pepper spray you purchase can be reused.
Keeping yourself safe is important. When purchasing mace spray, always check to see how many times the canister can be sprayed, what the storage conditions are, and how readily you can deploy it in the event you are attacked. Pepper spray or a can of mace can become your lifeline.
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