Keys as a Self Defense Tool

Keys as a Weapon

Over a million violent crimes are committed every year, including muggings, sexual assault, and more. It's a statistic no one wants to be a part of, but sometimes bad luck and unfortunate circumstances have other plans.

You can't control every situation you're in, but you can learn how to defend yourself in case the worst should happen. Many people use their keys as a self-defense tool in an emergency situation. Some classes even teach this method of self-defense.

However, using keys as a weapon can actually injure you and be an ineffective tool for self-defense. There are far more effective ways to protect yourself against any would-be assailants.

If you're looking for why you should not use your keys as self-defense weapons as well as how to successfully defend yourself, read on to learn more!

Keys as Self-Defense Weapons

If you've never heard about how to use keys as self-defense weapons, we'll briefly explain this method first. The proposed scenario is that you're walking to your car down an empty street or parking lot. Someone is following you, or maybe you see them loitering around your car waiting for you.

Advocates for the key method of self-defense say you should hold a key like a knife between your thumb and the knuckle of your index finger. You can then use it as a stabbing or slashing tool.

Other methods are the "Wolverine method", where you put a key between each finger, mimicking the blades in the eponymous Marvel character's hands. This gives you a fist of keys for slashing, stabbing, and punching. Sort of like pointy brass knuckles.

Ideally, this would give you enough of a weapon to fight back against an attacker.

Is It Bad to Use Keys as a Self-Defense Tool?

We applaud the ingenuity of this MacGyver-esque approach to self-defense; however, using your keys as a weapon can do more harm than good.

Getting your key knuckles together can take a lot more time than you think. When dealing with a potential assault, awareness is essential.

Keys as a Weapon

If you're busy getting your keys between your knuckles, you're not paying attention to your surroundings and any potential threats. This creates a window of opportunity for an attacker to creep up on a distracted victim.

If you get your keys into place, or if you use the key-knife method, you're still dealing with a slow weapon that's not very effective. Your keys are not very long, and if you're at a range where you can hit your attacker, they're already way closer than they should be.

Your assailant will most likely grab your hand to protect themselves from your keys. They can easily grab your hand and apply pressure, which will squeeze your fingers together. This is incredibly painful and can damage the tissue between your fingers.

Your assailant can then take your keys from you and take your car or continue the assault now that you don't have a weapon, improvised or otherwise. If you're going to hit your opponent with your key hands, the keys between your fingers will open your fist, dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the blow.

Self-defense experts describe using your keys as an "illusion of safety" because it makes you feel safe, despite the fact that it offers little to no protection.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

Many people don't want to carry a self-defense tool because they're afraid that their attacker will take it from them and use it against them. However, the purpose of a self-defense tool is to keep your opponent away from you, so they're not close enough to take anything from you, let alone the weapon itself.

71% of women report that they were likely to avoid doing things they wanted to do because they were concerned about personal safety. Carrying a self-defense tool is an effective way to take back agency and power, allowing you to remain safe and confident while you do the things you want to do.

Keychain Self-Defense Tools

If you're not ready to commit to pepper spray or other more serious self-defense tools, there are a few keychain options that you can keep on your keys that will be much more effective than the keys themselves.


For example, you can get a Kubotan keychain tool. They're small, heavy pointed objects that you can hold in your hand for effective striking and poking at vulnerable areas. They're intuitive to use and designed for this sort of self-defense, so they won't injure you in the process.

Kubotan Keychain Self Defense Tool


Another option is the Shar-key keychain, a shark-shaped tool that attaches to your keys. Slip the shark around your fingers for a plastic set of brass knuckles. The dorsal fin and tail fins of the shark are pointed and act as striking points.

Shar Key Self Defense Keychain

You can use the Shar-key to poke, slash, and strike an attacker. It's discrete, effective, and won't hurt your hand as you use it.

While your keys themselves can cause more harm than good, proper self-defense tools can be effective car key weapons for fighting off an attacker. And, they're always in reach.

Be Proactive About Your Safety

No one wants to be a part of an assault, robbery, or mugging situation. However, sometimes we'll end up in unlucky circumstances and be forced to defend ourselves. You might think you're safe if you have your keys on you, but hopefully, this article will have convinced you that a bit of extra protection is necessary.

A simple keychain tool can really make a difference in an assault situation. Protect yourself and carry a self-defense tool. Browse our selection of self-defense equipment and invest in peace of mind today!


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