Highest Amperage Stun Gun

Highest Amperage Stun Guns

When it comes to stun guns, most people assume higher voltage means more power—but that’s a common myth.

Voltage determines how easily electricity can penetrate clothing.
Amperage (measured in milliamps) is what actually incapacitates an attacker.

So, if you’re looking for the most powerful stun gun, you need to focus on amperage, not just voltage. In this guide, we’ll explain:

  • Why amperage is more important than voltage
  • How high-amperage stun guns work
  • The legal limits on stun gun power
  • The best high-amperage stun guns available today

The Truth About Stun Gun Voltage: Marketing Hype vs. Reality

Stun Gun Schematic

Back in the early 2000s, stun guns were marketed by their voltage, starting with 300,000 volts. As manufacturers competed, the numbers skyrocketed into the millions—with some brands now claiming 100 million volts or more.

Fact: A stun gun only needs 25,000 volts to penetrate clothing. Anything beyond that is mostly marketing hype rather than increased stopping power.

So, what really determines a stun gun’s effectiveness? Amperage.

Why Amps Are the Real Power Behind Stun Guns

The human body reacts to amperage, not just voltage. Even one amp can be lethal, which is why stun guns are designed to stay under 5 milliamps (mA) for safety.

Stun Gun Power Levels Effect on the Body
1 milliamp (mA) Tingling, mild discomfort
3-4.9 mA Pain, muscle contractions, temporary incapacitation
5+ mA Risk of device failure or circuit burnout

Most high-amperage stun guns operate between 3 and 4.9 milliamps, delivering enough discomfort and muscle disruption to stop an attacker without permanent harm.

How High-Amperage Stun Guns Work

Key Components of a Stun Gun:

1️⃣ Power Source: Rechargeable battery or replaceable battery pack
2️⃣ Transformer & Circuitry: Boosts electrical output to create high-voltage pulses
3️⃣ Metal Probes: Deliver the charge directly to an attacker
4️⃣ Capacitor: Stores and releases electrical energy in bursts

When activated, the stun gun overloads the attacker's nervous system, causing pain, muscle spasms, and temporary immobilization, allowing you to escape.

Tip: The best areas to target are large muscle groups, such as:

✅ Upper body (chest, abdomen)
✅ Neck and shoulders
✅ Thighs or groin

Legal Limits on Stun Gun Amperage

While there are no universal laws on stun gun amperage, most manufacturers cap devices at around 5 milliamps. Anything higher could cause device failure or be classified as too dangerous for civilian use.

TASER devices, used by law enforcement, typically operate at 1.2 to 2.1 milliamps, but they rely on longer exposure times to incapacitate suspects.
Civilian stun guns often push the limit to 4.9 mA, making them more effective for quick, personal defense situations.

Check your local laws before purchasing a stun gun to ensure compliance.

Best High-Amperage Stun Guns for Maximum Stopping Power

If you want the strongest legal stun gun, look for models that maximize amperage while keeping voltage at a reasonable level.

1️⃣ The Runt Stun Gun (4.5 mA)

Highest Voltage Stun Gun

Compact and easy to conceal
High-powered 4.5 mA shock for maximum effect
Rechargeable battery for long-term use
Rubberized grip for firm handling

View The Runt Stun Gun

2️⃣ Grab Guard Anti-Grab Stun Gun (4.9 mA)

High Amperage High Voltage Stun Gun

Max legal amperage at 4.9 mA
Heavy-duty design with metal prongs
Anti-snatch plates deliver shock if grabbed
Built-in LED flashlight

View the Grab Guard 120,000,000 Stun Gun

3️⃣ The Master Blaster (4.9 mA)

4.9 Milliamp Stun Gun

Disable Pin for added safety
Bright flashlight function
High-powered rechargeable battery

View 4.9 Milliamp Stun Gun

FAQs: Stun Gun Voltage & Amperage

Q: What is the highest legal amperage for a stun gun?
✅ Most civilian stun guns cap at 4.9 milliamps to remain safe and effective.

Q: How many volts is a typical stun gun?
Voltage ranges from 25,000 to several million volts, but anything above 25,000V can already penetrate clothing.

Q: Are high-voltage stun guns better?
No. High voltage doesn’t always mean more power—amperage is what stops an attacker.

Q: Can stun guns go through thick clothing?
✅ Yes, even basic 25,000V stun guns can penetrate jackets and jeans.

Q: Will a stun gun work on someone under the influence?
✅ Yes, but more prolonged contact may be required to incapacitate an attacker under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Final Verdict: Is a High-Amperage Stun Gun Right for You?

✅ If you’re looking for the most effective non-lethal self-defense weapon, a high-amperage stun gun (4.5 to 4.9 mA) is your best option.


  • Voltage isn’t everything—focus on amperage for true stopping power.
  • Check your state’s stun gun laws before purchasing.
  • Recharge your stun gun every 2-3 months for maximum reliability.

Ready to buy? Browse our collection of high-amperage stun guns here.


um, I am a licensed ham radio operator and also have a bit of an electrical/electronics education.

to sum up: at sea level given 100% humidity, the dielectric breakdown voltage of air is 10KV at 1 inch of Separation. Dryer air will have higher breakdown values. Now, if you can deliver 10 ma at 10kv over that inch, that will be about 100 watts of energy delivered over the approximate 10 Microseconds the pulse lasts. This is a realistic value. In order to pull 100 watts from a 9 volt batter, you would need to draw about 11 amps over 10 Microseconds. This is doable but the battery will not last very long. Most alkaline batteries will provide about 5 pulses before they effectively die. Rechargables (such as NiCAD, Li-ion or LIPO and lead acid) can deliver much more current and will tend to last a bit longer under full load.

Now, 10 KV will easily go through air or even through skin, but is effectively stopped by thick clothing (such as heavy leather). Now, between the laws of conservation, etc, accounting for losses, what you get out of the battery in terms of watts will be what you produce at the output. A suitable voltage and current for being able to deal with typical scenarios should be no more than 50 KV with 1 to 1.5 inch probe separation and at most about 25 MA max. However, since most batteries cannot produce that level of wattage, even over 10 Microseconds, an oscillator and high voltage capacitor are needed. The oscillator will feed a high voltage transformer to charge the cap. When it reaches full charge, it will discharge across the probes. btw, at 50KV and 25ma, you will still need approximately 12.4 KW. over 10 Microseconds. Since almost no small battery can deliver this it takes a bit of time to build up the level needed, which is why most stun devices can produce between 4 and 6 pulses per second. Of course, more batteries means more capability to deliver said wattage, but the key here is the high voltage cap. For reference, I have a 100 mw HeNe laser here with a 50,000 microfarad mylar cap rated at 50 KV. At full charge on that cap, the discharge would be enough to kill a full grown man instantly on contact with the skin in 3 vital areas. Most stun devices don't use a cap that big. so, voltage and current are often necessarily limited. Since the main power source is the limiting factor here, you are pretty much stuck with 5 ma and 50 KV at most. That is still effective enough to drop a full grown man..

btw, there is one poster on here who is a qualified electrical engineer and what he says can be taken as gospel. Ohms law, the law of conservation of energy and any other applicable physical laws apply and there is no bending them or violating them.


They say that with the Stun Gun you need 1 microcoulomb or greater to have it be very painful/ unbearable.
so 1uC OR 1/1,000,000 of an amp x 1 Second
This also depends on the subject and where they get hit.
Big difference if you hit someone on the palm or if you stick it right behind the earlobe and vertically down the neck.

The STUN GUN is NOT measured in Voltage but Coulombs.
Technically it is supposed to be measure in Coulombs which is just a unit to measure charge like ampere-hours or milliamp-hours.
A Coulomb is how much charge flows in 1 second- it being
1 Ampere of Current X 1 Second.
So think of it as all the charge that flowed for a second.

This is why if you are looking at a Stun gun the Voltage number is BS when it says Hundreds or millions of volts.

As far as the 30,000V jumping a 1cm gap you guys need to refer to what is known as Paschen's law. Basically it is the math that describes the voltage needed to make the arc between 2 distances. This 30K volts everyone is talking about can change with variables such as Pressure or if it is in a vacuum.
So I believe the 1cm arc requires almost 30K volts
but a 2cm spacing needs only 50K to arc
What the issue is at a certain distance (far) it requires great voltage as you get closer and closer there is a spot where instead of needing less voltage the number increases again before it then decreases again.

These are estimates on the Voltage Required Not sure if accurate been a long time on this

Distances are in cm centimeters
Distance(cm) ---- Voltage /(arc)
0.5cm--15K Volts
0.75---22K Volts
13.00(1/2in) 300K
65 METERS - 97,500,000(97.5 Million V)
A typical lightning flash is about 300 million Volts and about 30,000 Amps


They can't be above $30,000 or 30 KV because that is the breakdown of air and a 1 cm spark gap anymore and you're violating the laws of physics, I wish that stun gun manufacturers would stop lying about this.

Could be wrong but if you have a million,a billion, or a zillion volts it will pass. Once it arcs, just like as if it was a physical copper wire, It will pass any voltage that is being transmitted.

There is no step down transformer between the electrodes.

Air is an insulator. You just have to increase voltage til it excesses the insulation value. If you take a copper wire with 120 volts but use wire rated for 1 volt insulation, odds are you will get a tingle because you exceeded the insulation rating.

I think what he is trying to say is it takes a MINIMUM of 30,000 volts to make the jump.


So I have a 500,000V stun gun and I just put two 3,300 MA batteries in it and it works pretty good from the sound. is that too much? Is it potentially deadly? It hasn't burnt out the circuit so I'm wondering if its even delivering more power

The phrase "It's the amps that kill, not the voltage", is extremely false and misleading. If I lead to you a 450KV high voltage transformer line, would you want to touch it? Of course you wouldn't. We know from Ohm's law that V = I*R or Voltage = Current * Resistance. If you put a lot of voltage across your body, you're going to feel it cause if you divide the voltage by the resistance of the body, you'll get the current that flows. Sure, it may only take a few milliamps across the body for you to feel pain, but you need a lot of voltage for that. If the more voltage you apply to an object of a fixed resistance, the more pain you will feel. Yes, amps are a measure of how much current runs through the body, but you couldn't have that current without a substantial amount of voltage.


I have to admit that I had a stun gun that took 2 9 volt battery’s back in the day and it had a curve to it to get a better angle on the person so anyway there was two very large guys that was drunk and they tried to attack me and they was both wearing LEATHER jackets so I hit/stung one in the rib area and low behold that sucker was on his way down if not for his buddy to grab his other arm like from under his arm pit to stop him from going down and the guy was literally ennobled and the guy that was holding him was yelling at me to stop stop stop lol cause he could’ve heard that gun blast away and it saved my ass I really wish I knew what happened to it or would of like to know what was it like I don’t remember nothing about it but just what I typed but to answer everyone’s question I knkw for a fact they go through leather jacket lol


Amps= The Current Flow Per Second. Volts=The Pressure of the Current. That is what I know, put simply. Lastly, The Two Combined, Equal Total Power/Watts i.e. Potential Electrical Force. I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED TO HEAR THAT AT ANY AMOUNT OF AMPS ABOVE 5 MILLIAMPERES THE CAPACITOR WILL MALFUNCTION/BREAK... I WAS PARTICULARLY LOOKING FOR A 100-200 mA device, with atleast 30,000 volts.... -SIGH-.

Those of you who think 30kV is the max sent across prongs are incorrect. You can't apply ohms law because in this circuit the parts of the stun gun are ohmic but air is not ohmic.

Air doesn't really have a dielectric "resistance," but it does have a dielectric strength, which, if exceeded by enough volts, can be overcome at ANY distance. Think in your head of,..lightning, which travels, a little bit further than 1cm through air.

How much the true measure of strength! 0.5–1.0 µc = pain 1.0+ µc = intolerable pain what is the µc for this ???"

Because at that distance 30kV will break down the dielectric resistance in the air itself and arc between the prongs, thus discharging the voltage so it can build up again from scratch untill it reaches 30k (or whatever distance your progs are) this is one way you can tune into the resonant frequency a tesla coil (tuning one right now). And please don't goole this and start yapping to me about air humidity etc i just don't care....

What is the value and technical description of step-up transformer shown in schematic?

Being an electronics engineer all I can say is Bull S#!S+
Amps, as you say is the term for the curreht flowing in a circuit. That is determined by the voltage across a resistance. I=E/R Current/Amps =Voltage/Resistance.
I like your schematic but your text is bull shit.

The guy did give the mA why do you say he didn't say the amps he clearly said the volt is for penetration and amps delivers the bite. That's informally sound info I don't think anything gets through a thick leather jacket (without puncture) and have yet to it happen,

What makes you think 30k volts is the max?! The spark plugs in your car get hit with 10 times that....

And just what source are you using that states the voltage cannont exceed 30,000 volts when traveling between two prongs? Because I can't find the actual reference in the source given by Sabre. I imagine it's made up.

Actually 30,000 volts is the maximum that can be sent between two prongs 1 centimeter apart. Any more voltage would be against the laws of physics. You should really advertise the Amperage because that is what does the damage.

Thank you for, I hope, an unbiased opinion. I do not trust most reviews because they are pushed by the dollar signs, and the information you just gave sounds vert creditable. I do know the volts are a highly overrated number, and the amp number is much more important. Try getting that number. Thanks again.

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